Digital Reconstruction by Type

Digital Reconstruction creators now use a variety of technologies and scientific models to create representations of archeological sites. Using photogrammetric tools to measure relational distance between objects, they build 3D models of these archeological sites. They also use 3D models to make inferences about what these sites originally looked like. These may be single-perspective objects such as videos, or multi-perspective models that can be rotated on an axis to obtain a different view. Digital reconstructions can also be virtual, making the user the center of an immersive experience. Unlike other models, with VR, the user’s body is actually in motion through the space of the archeological sites. Some creators add augmented reality effects to 3D models, allowing the user some setting control, filters, and other interactive elements. In this exhibit we have single-perspective videos and a multi-perspective interactive model.

Select one of the reconstruction types on the right to get started.